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NEACAC IDEAL AwardThe IDEAL (Inclusion, Diversity, Education, Access, and Leadership) Award recognizes an individual, institution, or organization who has demonstrated consistent and long standing commitment to issues of access including, but not limited to, students of color, first generation college students, low income students, undocumented students, and LBGTQ+ students.
The award recipient or institution should be a member of NEACAC. Nominees, either individuals or institutions, should be actively engaged in activities associated with access. The committee will consider many factors including long standing commitment and positive outcomes for students achieving post-secondary education. Nominations are now closed.
The 2024 IDEAL Award was presented to Anthony Franco - St. George's School. Anthony was presented with the award at the Annual Meeting on May 23rd, 2024. Congratulations, Anthony!
Previous IDEAL Award Recipients are listed here.